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Last update: News Section Updated - 10:02pm - Tuesday, February 4th 2025

'Ten Thousand Strong' is my personal online tribute to one of the greatest Heavy Metal bands out there, the awesome ICED EARTH and it's members, past & present.

The site also contains a few details on Jon Schaffers other bands, the excellent DEMONS & WIZARDS and PURGATORY (which I consider to be an extension of the IE Realm) along with information on ASHES OF ARES the band of previous IE members Freddie Vidales and Matt Barlow.

This site is in no way intended as anything other than an unofficial personal tribute to this awesome band and it's members, so if you're after the real deal then head on over to the official site www.icedearth.com for all of the upto date news on the band and the full IE experience.

Make sure you also check out the best, most updated and dedicated Iced Earth Facebook page on the internet Brazil Under Ice you won't find a better up to date resource for all things Iced Earth

I'm Nomad the curator of this little corner of the ICED EARTH online realm. I hail from the midlands in the UK and I've been a fan of IE ever since I picked up a copy of ' Horror Show' on it's release. I was then lucky enough to see the band play live at the Scala, London in January 2002 (to this day it is still one of the best gigs I've been to) from then on I was hooked and found myself obsessively hunting out their full back catalogue!

I had been toying with the idea of creating a UK based fan site dedicated to ICED EARTH for quite some time, but until 2007 I'd never really been able to produce something I'd be pleased to share online.

I'd dabbled with a couple of fan sites in the past and used to run both Blazefans.com (the official Blaze fansite) & Folkmetal.com (Skyclad tribute site) until outside pressures led me into early retirement from my online duties. 

However, after a few years away and a some huge changes in my personal life, that yearning to create my own little corner of online Metal Fandom finally persuaded me to dust down my trusty old laptop and get my web head back on.

So here we are with my small online tribute to one of my personal favourite metal bands. I hope you enjoy browsing the site as much as I'm enjoying creating and updating it.

Feel free to get in touch with any comments or thoughts you may have on the site.

Keep the faith